Go Light the BOB Go!!!!
news and commentslatest newsLtb Deep Thoughts, philosofy cornerSign our guest, leave us a comment!
[17-05-2018] We don't play but we'll be there!
The best festival in town is coming...

29,30 JUNE, 1 JULY 2018!!!

[19-01-2018] A good band for all the birthdays!
«In any musicophonic initiative IM that is sufficiently expressive to contain a complete performance of Light the Bob, there is at least one of theirs song X that, if IM is consistent, then neither X nor its negation !X are distinguishable from each other to the ear of a hypothetical listener IA, who is in a state of mental motion apparent retrograde convonvolution, relative to the linear speed of execution of Y.»

Light the Bob will perform live demonstrations of the present and other fantastic mathematical theorems just for you at the 26th Birthday of Torre Maura Squat on 19 January 2018. Numerous internationally renowned scientists will participate in the congress.

[18-10-2017] We go to north-west!
Its Barocchio birth day, and we go there to play full of happiness, it would be always beautyfull if more of place like that exist instead of churches... when? night of October 31th, when to make trick-or-treat or better the night of the spirits...

October 13th we go to Holland to play in ACU (a very very nice squat) A benefit night for helping spread knowledge and action about freedom and equality. There will be food, and there will be friends. Music and drinks. Bring yourself, your passion, and your will to go on. Soon more info...
Here bookface link... -->>

[03-08-2017] Solidarity to Riottosa Squat!
As LtB we wanted to express our sympathetic solidarity to the boys and girls of the Riottosa in Florence, disgracefully evicted from the usual, tireless repressive soldier (boooooooo). So we wanted to write these two lines to thank them for all the good concerts, the microphones in the mouth, the amplifiers loaded from the window, the vans in the ice and muds, the frozen locks and the pleasant nights, always in the name of Decor :). Thanks also for giving birth to a place that breathed the air of freedom and playfulness. A place where LtB felt just like home. Solidarity to all those who have been victims of this ugly repressive action in Florence as elsewhere!

[12-06-2017] ARE YOU READY??? Once Again... OSTIAPALUSA V is coming...
OPV!30 JUNE, 1 e 2 JULY 2017!!!

[08-05-2017] We only wait for OstiaPalusa!
But in the meantime we play here and there! So.... warm up the engines, prepare your ears, stand ready, be alert, stay tuned, wait trepidating, be afraid waiting, there is still time, but time does not stop, and above all do not leave what you found... meanwhile many many concerts in this spring full of sun and fantasy... Light the Bob the band that is also listening without headphones

[09-02-2017] PLAY! SO MUCH! AROUND!
A million show upcoming, at home, here and there around Italy and not only..., end of march we'll go to conquer Germany
Who said that play with Light the Bob is only fun and not hard work???

[11-01-2017] BYE PANA!!!
Yesterday Panaghiotis, also called Babuff, or ZetanKanon, left us... no words, only sweetest memories... Ciao Pana!

[24-11-2016] 100RED....!!!
Thursday November 24rd at ZK, we made 100 show event. Happines, suspance, tension and so much more...!!

OLD NEWSshow old news...

Recordings, sounds, samples and Live Shows...
light the BOB start the bandDuo (bass and drums), born february 2009 in Ostia, between iodine and ZK squatt from many previous experiences ranging from electronic music (both are members of the Radical Fiction project since 1993 http://www.jamendo.com/it/artist/radical_fiction) hardcore punk (Virus X), to country (Discountry) to metal (heavy).
LTB seek senselessness of music, but also the sense of no music, but also music that has recently lost ... the genre is rather vague, sounds tough, heavy guitars without guitars and drumfills a gogo ... lyrics seem to make sense, but hidden fragments of life, deep sociological theme is closely and reflections. In a recent interview Mr. Spock said he felt very attuned to the logic behind the songs of LTB.
"Lighining Bolt are strong... but Light the BoB have the Force..."
Obi Wan Kenobi (Jedi Music)

light the BOBFew frills, quick and concise enough messy, hostile to copyright, not enough professional, punk, absolutely against to the commodification of music and expression in general, for the free flow of information, for to spread D.I.Y. as attitidune, squatters, squatt supporters, radicals, but also down to earth, not fossilized, going around, no star, no buy no sale, cheesy sounds, determined, in the middle, but sometimes the side, open to music, polyinstrumentalists by poor talent but full of commitment, will and heart...

The reference points ranging from Lightning Bolt to No Means No, Evan Dando, the Hanson Brothers, via the Ramones, Afrirampo, Startrek and Tenacious D...

Most often the Light the BoB avoid eating meat.
They are also used to go around by a brown Westfalia Camper said "Donkey" and the '96 Honda CBR 600.

Recordings, sounds, samples and Live Shows...
out now! LIGHT the BOB

110% D.i:Y. 135% No Copyright. Recorded at ZKSquatt between 2012 and 2013. Mixed e Mastered by Valerio Maina. Artwork by Scarful.
download the cd mp3 download the cd artwork, cover and int
out now! LIGHT the BOB

Recorded Live at BreathFest II on 31/05/2014 (ateneo squat)
Thanx Kurz master of sounds / Recorded by RadioDefault
out now! LIGHT the BOB - LIVE the BOB
Live the BOB, recorded live at Ateneo Squatt april 15th 2011 for their 11th birthday party concert.
play! download
out now! LIGHT THE BOB
ILOTI (official version & Jacopo Zu remix version)

Iloti - a new song for audioresistance compilation 100% d.i.y. Audioresistance (visit the website) - In a double version: official version e remix version by Jacopo ZU.
play! download
out now! LIGHT THE BOB

Light the BOB release first CD, a split edition with another amazing band (The Inpepateds)... just listen it loud and enjoy d.i.y.!!!
play! download
LTB live at Pirateria, gennaio 2010 LIGHT THE BOB
LIVE at 3njoy_PIRATERIA (24-01-2010)

Live recording of the LTB's concert at Pirateria occupata on 24-01-2010, for "NO CIE" night
play! download
radical fiction - mixion impossible RADICAL FICTION

Electronic Side project, RADICAL FICTION since 1993 release a cd totally dedicated to NO COPYRIGHT.
play! download

Best of Radical Fiction (1993-2001), straight from first illegal rave in Rome, here it is a compilation of their best songs
play! download
22/09/2018 - Bezmotivny FEST
CSA La Torre - Roma
Benefit spese legali Infossss

PAST (114)
27/08/2018 - Lucertola's wedding party
04/05/2018 - Ateneo Squat Bday
Via Fattiboni 1 - Roma
24/04/2018 - Antifa Conflictual Party
organizzato da Lab. Semi in Rivolta
Villa Sciarra - Frascati
19/01/2018 - Torre Maura Occupata
Via delle averle - Roma
26esimo Compleanno!!! Sappine de Piu'
31/10/2017 - Barocchio Squat
13/10/2017 - ACU
Utrecht - Paesi Bassi
15/07/2017 - Punkrazio
Pomezia w/ Affluente, Mefitica
06/07/2017 - Ateneo Squat
Dragoncello w/ Lili Refrain
02/06/2017 - ZKSquatt
Pre - Ostiapalusa Warm Up w/ Itaca, No Chappi? Bourgeois!
04/06/2017 - Forte Prenestino
Roma @ w/ Misantropus e Narwhal
11/03/2017 - Chinaski pub
Roma - w/Pandemonium Carnival CANCELLATA (sorry!!!)
31/03/2017 - KOPI
Berlino (Germany) w/ No Chappi? Bourgeois!
01/04/2017 - XB-Liebig
Berlino (Germany) w/ No Chappi? Bourgeois!
11/02/2017 - lA rIOTTOSA squat
Galluzzo (Firenze) w/ No Chappi? Bourgeois!
04/02/2017 - Robbandergraund 2
Csoa Spartaco - Roma
25/12/2016 - Strummer Night 2016
by Search & Destroy - 360° Roma
24/11/2016 - 100esimo!!!
w/ Hound, Temple of Dust - ZKSquatt - Ostierdam
08/10/2016 - Benefit RadiOndaRossa
Csoa Spartaco - Roma
17/09/2016 - Daqualchepartechenonsisa
Free Party - Roma
09/07/2016 - 17a Festa rivoltante SUMMEREXTRAVAGANZA
Pratone dei Ruderi di Casa Calda - Roma
come/as DJ BOB DELIGHT (from Ltb perform an amazing dj set... :))
15/07/2016 - Bencivenga Occupato
Via Bencivenga n.15 - Roma
with Round Eye (shangai/usa) infossss
11/06/2016 - csoa Ex Snia
Via Prenestina - Roma
20/05/2016 BREATH! FEST 4 - ZkSquatt
Via Epaminonda 666 - Ostierdam
21/05/2016 - Csoa IPO'
Via del Giardino Vecchio - Marino
22/05/2016 - Forte Prenestino
Via f. delpino - Roma
Tattoo Event! w/ Gorilla Pulp
03/05/2016 - ZKSquatt
Via Epaminonda 666 - Ostierdam
w/ Banquet (USA)
23/04/2016 - Ateneo Squat Bday
Via Fattiboni 1 - Roma
w/ La Tosse Grassa
26/03/2016 - B-folk
Via dei faggi 129 - Roma
w/ Hounds
23/12/2015 - Pentatonic
Viale Oscar Sinigaglia 18 - Roma
w/ Ruins of Rome
22/10/2015 - Forte Prenestino
Via Federico DelPino - Roma
w/ Hound
11/07/2015 - SummerExtravaganza (16)
Pratone dei Ruderi di Casa Calda - Roma
10/07/2015 - Forte Prenestino
Via Federico DelPino - Roma
w/ Hound CANCELLATA!!!
18/06/2015 - Bencivenga Occupato
Via Bencivenga n.15 - Roma
w/ Itaca!!!
30/01/2015 - TorreMaura Occupata
Via delle Averle 8 Roma - Italy
23° compleanno!!!
21/02/2015 - Spin Time Labs
Via Statilia 15 Roma - Italy
28/02/2015 - L38Squat
Via Giuliotti 8 Roma - Italy
24° compleanno dello squat!!!
07/11/2014 - FortePrenestino
al Pub del forte - Via Federico DelPino Roma - web
08/11/2014 - Bencivenga Occupato
Via Bencivenga n.15 - Roma
web - Benefit Improbabile Squat!
05/07/2014 - Festa Rivoltante 15a
Prato di via dei ruderi di casa calda summer extravaganza
31/05/2014 - AteneoSquat
via Ottone Fattiboni 1 - Dragoncello - Roma
Breathfest! - flyer
20/03/2014 - Dal Verme
DalVerme - via Luchino dal Verme 8 - Pigneto - Roma
w/ Topsy The Great
14/02/2014 - Libera Comunanza Occupata
via valle forno 26 - contarada Barattelle, S.Benedetto del Tronto (AP)
w/ no chappi? bourgeois flyer
15/02/2014 - Torre Maura Occupata
Via delle averle - Roma
w/ no chappi? bourgeois - hounds - iniziativa a sostegno di Biblidea
06/11/2013 - Init
Via Della Stazione Tuscolana, 133 - Roma
w/ ZZZ's (osaka, jp)
10/10/2013 - Alvarado Street
Via Attilio Mori, 27 - Roma
w/ Twister, Donald Thompson -flyer
26/05/2013 - Bencivenga Occupato
Via Bencivenga n.15 - Roma
Compleanno del Bencivenga - more info soon!!!
29/06/2013 - Infestazione Hardcore #6
Parco della Certosa Irreale a Collegno (Torino)
04/05/2013 - ZKSquatt
via Epaminonda 666 - Ostia, Roma
Ltb new Album Release PARTY
special guest: Mombu
03/05/2013 - Alvarado Street
Via Attilio Mori, 27 - Roma
Last Minute Show w/ Svetlanas (Milano)
20/04/2013 - Circolo ARCI - La Serra
La Serra (Recanati MC)
w/CA.PE.AL. - flyer
19/04/2013 - BAR DIAMOND
Gabicce mare (Pesaro/Urbino)
w/ ONAN in genere ingenera
22/02/2013 - La Riottosa Squat
via Senese 308 - Galluzzo, Firenze
19/01/2013 - Bencivenga
Via Bencivenga n.15 - Roma
Benefit Improbabile Squat Sambuci
04/01/2013 - Biblidea
Via braccio da montone 71/a - Roma Pigneto
15/12/2012 - Ops
Genzano - teatro comunale occupato
06/12/2012 - Circolo Matonge
Parma w/ Onan in genere Ingenera
07/12/2012 - Flying Donkey
S. Mauro Pascoli w/ Onan in genere Ingenera
08/12/2012 - Torino
Somewhere... w/ Onan in genere Ingenera
24/11/2012 - Sinister Noise
Roma w/ Karl Marx was a Broker
02/11/2012 - ZKSquatt
via epaminonda 666, Roma with LA TOSSE GRASSA!
20/10/2012 - Circolo Hemingway
Piazza Aldo Moro N.36 - 04100 Latina, Italy
13/10/2012 - Ateneo Squatt
Via Ottone Fattiboni 1 Dragoncello - Roma - Italy
with Gozzilla e le tre bambine coi baffi, Gli Ultimi, Razzapparte.
6-7/07/2012 - No LeboL Festival
Csoa Forte Prenestino
Via Federico DelPino Roma - Italy

29/06/2012 - Autorg FEst
Teatro del Lido
Via delle sirene, OStia - Italy
17/06/2012 - Napoli
iniziativa soccer street
more info soon!!!
18/05/2012 - Albano
piazzale dei leoni - villa doria
In concerto contro l'inceneritore

22/04/2012 - TorreMaura Occupata
via delle averle, Roma
with "La Casa Phanton" (from Oslo)
21/04/2012 - ZK Squatt
via epaminonda 666, Roma
24/03/12 - Circolo ArTre
via dei Pozzi - Rieti, Italy
with Kerosene - web
11/02/2012 - Riottosa Squat
via Senese 308 - Galluzzo, Firenze
06/01/2012 - NOLEBOL FEST
DalVerme - via Luchino dal Verme 8 - Pigneto - Roma
NOLEBOL FEST, 6-7-8 gennaio Pigneto Roma
info e programma: http://nolebol.blogspot.com/
30/12/11 - Spazio Anarchico 76A
via ventaglieri 76a Napoli - Italy
(nei pressi della stazione della metro di montesanto)
14/12/11 - Metropoliz
via Prenestina 911-913 Roma - Italy
flyer - with Apotropaico Ensamble
03/12/11 - Ateneo Squat
Via Ottone Fattiboni 1 Dragoncello - Roma - Italy
concerto a sorpresa Tattoo Circus 2011
25/11/11 - Forte Prenestino
Via Federico DelPino Roma - Italy
more info soon!
30/09/11 - ZKSquatt
Via epaminonda 666 - Ostia (Roma)
Iniziativa a cura del Nodo Solidale, cena, dibattito, presentazione video sulle lotte in messico
web NodoSolidale
06/10/11 - Bologna, facolta di scienze politiche
more info soon...
02/09/11 - ARTEr.i.e. VII edizione
Cantalupo in Sabina (Rieti)
18/08/11 - Recanati
caffe de la paix - piazza giacomo leopardi - recanati (an)
17/08/11 - Civitanova Marche
w/ No Chappi - sulla spiaggia!
14/08/11 - Bar Giulio
Monsampietro Morico, Fermo
12/08/11 - Rozz Fest
Rozz Fest #4 - DiSsesT ChAoS - Hc Benefit Fest - Masseria Foresta - Crispiano (Taranto)
11/08/11 - CSOA 'Le Macerie' Baracche Ribelli
Via dei lavoratori 1 - Molfetta (Bari)
w/ No Chappi - More info soon!
17/06/11 - Teatro del Lido ORE 15 (après-midi)
Via delle Sirene, 22 Ostia - Roma - Italy
More info soon!
03/06/11 - Sinister Noise
via dei magazzini generali, 4b Roma - Italy
21/05/11 - L38 Squatt
Via Giuliotti 8 Roma - Italy
01/05/11 - Gran Gala
dell'Internazionale Trash Ribelle

Bologna – Piazza Unità – ore 16:00-23:00
come/as DJ BOB DELIGHT (Shakiro from Ltb perform an amazing dj set... :))
15/04/11 - Ateneo Occupato
Via Fattiboni 1 Drangoncello Roma - Italy
Compleanno dell'Ateneo Occupato!!!
info - flyer
09/04/11 - Loa Acrobax
Via della vasca navale 6 Roma - Italy
Concerto a sostegno dei lavori di insonorizzazione della sala concerti di L38 Squat (check the website)
23/03/11 - Forte Prenestino
Via Federico DelPino Roma - Italy
26/02/11 - ZKSquatt
Via epaminonda 666 - Ostia (Roma)
Night of the Duo (with No Chappi? Bourgeois! e I Camillas)
25/02/11 - Villa Panico
Via del Mezzetta - Firenze
Dogs of Duo (flyer)
22/01/11 - TorreMaura Occupata
Via delle averle (Roma)
come/as DJ BOB DELIGHT (Shakiro from Ltb perform an amazing dj set... :))
15/01/11 - Volturno Occupato
Via Volturno 37, (Roma)
05/12/10 - La Zona
Via Bonomelli 9 (Bergamo) - Italy
ore 16 - w/no chappi, the inpepateds
06/12/10 - Stamperia Occupata
via Giannone 9 - Milano - Italy
ore 21 - w/no chappi, the inpepateds
07/12/10 - ArciBlob
via Casati 31 - Arcore(MI) - Italy
ore 21 - w/no chappi, the inpepateds
08/12/10 - Honggerstrasse
honggerstrasse 20, Zurigo - Switzerland
ore 21 - w/no chappi, the inpepateds
10/12/10 - Villa Rosenau
Neudorfstrasse 93, Basel - Switzerland
ore 21 - w/no chappi, the inpepateds
11/12/10 - Gisi
General-guisan-strasse, Winterthur - Switzerland
ore 21 - w/no chappi, the inpepateds
11/11/10 - La Riottosa Squatt
Galluzzo (Firenze) - Italy
w/no chappi - more info soon
03/11/10 - Sinister Noise (roma)
surprise 20 minutes show opening for Massimo (zu) + Luca (zu) + Balazs Pandi (from Hungary)
02/10/10 - Loa Acrobax (Roma)
via della vasca navale 9b - ex cinodromo
concerto di autofonanziamento per radiopirata 38
03/07/10 - Centro Sociale Pinelli (Genova)
via Adamoli 9b - ex canile comunale
15/05/10 - Centro Sociale 28 dicembre, Maddaloni (Caserta)
IndipendentWays festival
flyer - info
16/05/10 - Ateneo Squat
via Ottone Fattiboni 1 Dragoncello (Roma)
tattoo circus 2010 - info
28/05/10 - Bencivenga okkupato
Via Bencivenga 15 - Roma
Compleanno del Bencivenga
08/05/10 - ZKSquatt
Ltb (aka Garden Bob) play Evan Dando in acustic!
22/04/10 - Arci Blob
via Casati 31 arcore (milano) - Italy
07/04/10 - Forte Prenestino
Via Federico DelPino Roma - Italy
20/03/10 - L38 Squatt
Via Giuliotti 8 Roma - Italy
info: coming soon
27/02/10 - SpazioEbbro
Via Filarete 215 Roma - Italy
info: dalle 22 concerto con Fudo Satellite (da Arezzo), e The Inpepateds (Ostia) flyer
24/01/10 - 3njoY Pirateria
Circonvallazione Ostiense, Roma - Italy
info: ...coming soon
22/12/09 - Csoa Vittorio Occupato
Lungomare Toscanelli 184, Ostia Roma - Italy
info: http://officina-ostia.noblogs.org/
12/12/09 - Cso La Astilla
Barcellona L'Hospitalet - Spain
info: "Terzera velada de boxeo clandestino"
07/12/09 - ZKSQUATT
Ostia - Roma (IT)
info: 1989-2009 20 anni di SpazioKamino... http://zk.tmcrew.org
27/11/09 - TorreMaura Occupata
Roma (IT)
info: dettagli iniziativa
23/10/09 - ZKSQUATT
Ostia - Roma (IT)
info: http://zk.tmcrew.org
26/09/09 - Sprawl Festival
Monza (IT)
info: http://www.sprawl.org
Light the Bob Line UP, Contacts
Light the BOB are:
Shakiro aka Sek Skywalker
(bass + vocals + sound eng + beer drinker);
Anastacio aka Obi Iwan Kenobi
(drum + vocals + driver + book reader).
LTB contact information:
email: lightthebob_AT_gmail.com
tel: +39.349 chiamami ci conto
How we like to play, how we can also play...
tech rider of our dream...
1. KickLarge DynamicA, B
2. SnareDynamic.
3. Hi-HatCondenser.
4. TomDynamic.
5. Floor tomDynamic.
6. OverheadsCondenser.
7. OverheadsCondenser.
8. Bass amp.Dynamic.
9. Bass amp. line outD.I.A-,B+
10. Bass amp. no effects. only clean sound.Dynamic.
11. Vocals (back)SM 58A,B+
12. Vocals (front)SM 58A+,B-
But... obviously we can also can play only with two PA........we know how it works and we can adapt...

Our equipments:
DIY Bass Amp (cabinet + preamp + amp) 500W,
Drum set: Pearl Export, (1 kick, 1 snare, 1 tom, floor tom, hh, 2 crash, 1 ride),
Mics: Shure SM58 (2).
Download pdf file with info / techride / bio | Download hires logo (300dpi) | PNG Version
Photo hires 1 | Photo hires 2 | Photo hires 3 | Photo hires 4 | Photo hires 5
Here some photos...
Light the BOB Videoooosss
Video Latest / Featured
Mosquito by Light the Bob (Supermazz Bigfuff - 2013)
MOSQUITO - OFFICAL VIDEOCLIP - by Light the Bob [feat. Valerio M] from Supermazz Bigfuff - 2013 in...  view/more...
Mosquito by Light the Bob (Supermazz Bigfuff - 2013)
Light the Bob - Espiare (live breathfest II Ateneo 31-05-2014)
ESPIARE by Light the Bob
strillofonata dal vivo @ BREATH FEST II
31-05-2014 Ateneo Squat -...  view/more...
Light the Bob - Espiare (live breathfest II Ateneo 31-05-2014)
Iloti - Official Video Clip
Official Video for the song: "ILOTI". Released in 2010 by Light the Bob
3njoy D.i.y....  view/more...
Iloti - Official Video Clip - Light the Bob
Come eravamo...
(The way we were...)
Virus X

live at Spaziokamino 1993
in this line up Sek play guitar and Iwan sing.
On bass Zio Lory now with the Inpepateds, Jacopo...  view/more...
Come eravamo (The way we were) - Virus X
I ragazzi dell'Ontario
Light the Bob

I ragazzi dell'Ontario, performed live at Gisi (Winterthur)
Shoot during the Swiss tour of...  view/more...
I ragazzi dell'Ontario live at Gisi - Light the Bob
Light the Bob - ZetanKanon (Acustic Version feat. Jeep See the BanjoMan)
ZKnon Acustic Version
by Light the Bob [feat. Jeep See the Banjo]
from Supermazz Bigfuff -...  view/more...
Light the Bob - ZetanKanon (Acustic Version feat. Jeep See the BanjoMan)
Light the Bob - ZetaKanon (Band vers. feat. Amy Greek Velvet)
ZetanKanon (band version) by Light the Bob
(feat. Amy Greek Velvet) from SUPERMAZZ BIGFUFF -...  view/more...
Light the Bob - ZetaKanon (Band vers. feat. Amy Greek Velvet)
Light the Bob - Mi hai rotto un Piede
Mi hai rotto un piede
by Light the Bob [feat. P. or NELI]
from Supermazz Bigfuff - 2013...  view/more...
Light the Bob - Mi hai rotto un Piede
All the others Videosshow other news...
We support and be supported by...
ZKSquatt Ostia Roma
Nisennenmondai Japan
Ateneo Occupato
ZZZs noise fromo Amagasaki Japan
Nisennenmondai Japan
We Love No Means No!
Bencivenga Occupato
We support and be supported by...

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